I couldn’t sleep right now. Today around 10am arrive my home and went to sleep until just now, 11.00pm. After that I went to BRJ yum cha together with Joshua and Ah Mok. I ordered the nasi lemak ayam, roti canai cheese and cup of teh O panas. I was like two days didn’t eat any foods. Perhaps I had drank too much of beer last night. Actually not much, just four glass of it. (Mum, thanks for helping me drink the fourth glass). To be honest, I dislike drinking the wine and beer. I lose in such a simple game play. So this was the punishment. I’m not really felt of getting drunk, just my head felt heavy and my face heat up quickly. One more, I was hyper after having that. I keep on disturbing those who are try to sleep on the bed. Jahat~
So for the BBQ section, I’m not going to post it at here due to the photos not with me right now. Maybe you can look out for the YeeLeng’s blog later. Lastly, thanks for the Christmas present.
Happy birthday to Camie. Wish you all the best in the following years. :D
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6 months ago
I got no pics too! It was gmug's CF card.. =(
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