Things to do after completing the assignments:
1. Update my blog – My blog had been abandoned for two weeks something. The common reason is rushing the works until no time to have my breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Stop talking about that as it was the nightmare. By the way, firework’s photos will be update here soon.
2. Clean up the room – Yes, my room is super messy. Those packaging materials throw here and there. The floor is quite dirty as well. Due to busy for the works, I simply sweep it. Don’t ask me how long didn’t wipe up the floor. I think the water will turns out black color in the coming cleaning job.
3. Prepare the stupid exam – There are five papers for this semester. It is bloody hard to catch up all the things. Packaging Design and Interactive Multimedia shouldn’t need to sit for the exam. That is wasting the time to memorize the stupid theories and the terms.
4. Blog’s theme – If you view back to the older posts, you will see some of the text appears big and small or even different fonts. I don’t know what the problem there is. And some of the people told me that my photos are very small. I’m going to get a new layout for permanent use which can display large photos and easy for maintenance.
Things to do after finishing the exam:
1. Back hometown - That’s been a long while didn’t see my parents. All of you who know me, you should know my habit that only the semester break I’ll go back to hometown. I dislike the way that today I going back and two days later come back to KL. There is always a sarcastic reply by my mum: “you prefer KL life more than Ipoh”. Apparently, yes I am. lol….I also miss my hometown lah!
2. Trip – Maybe have the trip with friends or go somewhere makan makan. Of cause it is for shooting purpose as well. Hehe… I’m planning to do a visit Ipoh Tour as a short introduction to my hometown. The interesting places and local foods will be taking down and post at here. Hopefully it is work successfully. :D
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6 months ago
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