It was a little humorous story that I heard while taking LRT back home. This was happened between two strangers who was a malay woman (OL) and a malay young guy. The train was going to Setiawangsa station; these two strangers started their conversation as below.
Guy: Do you know where the Terminal Putra is?
Woman: Terminal Putra?
Guy: Yea, do you know that?
Woman: Er…Terminal Putra ah? You need to get back to Masjid Jamek and then take Star Line interchange back to LRT Putra Line.
Guy: Really? (He looks little confuse.)
Woman: Only LRT Putra Line can be arrived Terminal Putra.
OMG! After I heard that I feel like laughing.
Hello! Now you’re taking LRT Putra Line please, don’t point the wrong way for others. That guy seems not that stupid believe what she said. In the end, he called out ask for help from his friend.
Damn stupid lah this woman!!!!!
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6 months ago
wahaha.. funny... tak tau but buat pandai.. there was once.. a malay gal shouted "open THE sesame" in lrt.. super wrong english but she yelled.. haha.. buat bodoh..
jahat lar u.. why don u tell that guy the correct way to go terminal putra? laugh ppl somemore.. ish..
LOL~!!! well.. some ppl are like dat... as long as we're not that dumb can d... hehe! next time pls help dat poor guy.. haha!
lol.. so funny la.. the woman tak tau she is taking putra line ke? =="
[cmei] lol....bxxx mmg bxxx
[hon mun & 1plus1=2] no lah..that guy ask for help from his friend..i think his friend point him the correct way alrdy...
[yeeleng] i think tat stupid woman tak tau loh....if not y she ask tat guy go and take star line interchange back to putra line...mmg funny
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