Hehe….just finished watching Bangkok Dangerous at Pavilion with friends. The last I had the movie in cinema was half years ago. Before that almost everyday busy for assignments, now finally got the chance to enjoy that.
Back to the movie, overall I was ok for that. Few parts of it are quite funny also. Unfortunately, the ending was sucks!
That pig’s birthday celebration will be up soon. The tag I received from kar yee is pending now as the questions are really hard to answer it. Can I skip the part one ah?? :D
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6 months ago
Lol.. malaysia also dangerous.. *inserts big sweat emo -_-"*
karyee don't let him skip part one... tak ikhlas mau buat ur tag lor.. wahahaha
lol.... malas lor u... mau buat itu tag buat lah semua... if dowan just leave it..
bdw, lol ler.. ur title never made me tot u we're posting bout a movie u know.. haha
[yeeleng] yer...jangan gao wai karyee lah....lol
[1plus1=2] lol...no lah...bcoz most of the ppl use the movie name as the title....so i slightly make the changes...:p
u really creative lo, ur word "aslo" type wrong edy.. kakaka.. really make the changes..
[dylan] hahaha...u tak cakap i pun tak notice...lol
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