This is last part for the buffet dinner and I’m lazy to describe it already. just enjoy the photos.
We took lot of mini cake. So I can’t remember which one tastes good. Haha...
This one tastes like five kernel filling moon cake. It reminds me of my grandfather’s favorite moon cake flavor.
These are the Haagen daz ice-cream. It doesn’t have must different with the normal ice-cream. I can’t figure out this is branded ice-cream without telling me. So is it Haagen daz’s packaging with Wall’s ice-cream?
The ice-cream starts melting. But we still continue snap picture of it. End up we “drink” the ice-cream.
It is chocolate fondue. It has honeydew and grapes.
Syok sendiri (ss) moment was come.....
We're ss in front of the mirror.
Hon mun ss with the flashgun....
Tenji main entrance. These three fellows thought I want to snap them. Haha...
Night view.
I purposely shake my camera and turns out this effect.
What about using slower shutter speed and shake it.. shake it.. shake it?
Ok, finished.....
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6 months ago
wahh.. tat's pic of me look ugly can.. choose another one la.. ishh
lol...this is paling cantik arldy...hahah
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